ACSEP Reconciliation Action Plan
ACSEP RAP Launch - 2018 Conference Presentation
Partnering for Good Health and Wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Australians
The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet provide excellent resources in helping to close the gap by providing the evidence base to inform practice and policy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Acknowledging Country can show respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and the ongoing relationship of traditional owners with the land.
The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families.
A review of 'Traditional' Aboriginal health beliefs
Why evidence based policies on obesity are failing Māori, Pasifika and the Anglo working class
How to be a good Indigenous ally
Closing the gap on Indigenous health
When Scientists “Discover” What Indigenous People Have Known For Centuries
A call on practitioners to play a stronger role on intergenerational trauma
Statement on cultural competence
Statement on best practices when providing care to Māori patients and their whānau
Best Health Outcomes of Māori: Practice Implications
A Comparison of Māori and Non-Māori Patient Visits to Doctors
Effects of self-reported racial discrimination and deprivation on Maori health and inequalities in New Zealand: cross-sectional study (pdf available on request to National Office)
Indigenous issues can be daunting - here are 10 positive ways to engage
Dark Emu - Aboriginal Australia and the Birth of Agriculture by Bruce Pascoe
ACEM Cultural Competence e-modules
NZ Ministry of Health Foundations in Cultural Competence online course
Centre for Cultural Competency Module
Australian Indigenous Doctors' Association annual conference
Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors Congress (PRIDoc) biannual conference
Pasifika Medical Association Conference
Many more Indigenous health conferences are available for members to explore in 2019
Tauiwi GP talk re Indigenous health (available on request to National Office)
Cultural competence training pdf (available on request to National Office)
AFL legend Adam Goodes shares the personal experiences that shaped his very public stand against racism in the final years of his career, and the emotional toll it took. The Final Quarter is a powerful documentary film that tracks Australia's heated and divided response. A must watch for all.
Indigenous Language (Yawuru) Lessons
The GP Show - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge for the Modern World with Professor Gregory Phillips